How to make money off your blog and get revenue

How to make money off your blog and get revenue

How to make money off your blog can be very easy, simple, and give you good revenue. All you need is to know exactly how to start and manage your work properly. The very first step when creating a blog is to choose a name that will make people search for it. Searching for your blog and writing is the guarantee of having an audience and a number of readers. Create your blog and write about people’s needs. To know how to make money off your blog, just keep reading.

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How to make money off your blog and master blogging?

How to make money

How to make money off your blog can be done through some steps we will come to and explain briefly.

Starting a blog is easy but the thing about blogging and making money is patience, you need to plan your work.

Take steps to find your niche and the topic people are looking for to make sure you have stable readers.

Select the plan you will start with if you will use a free platform or a paid one to be unlimited.

How do you become consistent and always improve your blog?

How to make money

You may ask yourself if you are going to complete the blogging or give up if you didn’t get revenue.

In order to keep going on blogging, you need to choose something you enjoy writing about to master your skill.

Draft a number of blogs before starting, and make sure you have a stable organized plan for your upcoming blogs.

And make it also useful for people, to write and talk about what they need and choose your topic smartly by google.

How to add more money to your blog easily?

There are some other ways that can give you more money besides blogging and make the best out of it.

For example, you can get an account on google ads that give you money for sharing ads and clicking them.

The idea is based on making your reader click on the ads, by that you will be paid for the advertisement.

Google pays around %68 of the number of clicks on the ads, so you will talk about it in your blog.

How do you get an audience by hosting blog posts?

Sharing your work with other blogs will make it best for both of you, it is a double-edged weapon.

You will start by offering your help for hosting posts for other blogs and they will do the same for you.

By hosting the post, you will make your readers visit their blogs and the other way around get more readers.

You can reach more bloggers by sending your blog resume over LinkedIn for example try to reach more.

To sum up, how to make money off your blog and make it profitable is very easy, simple, and give you good revenue. You just need to plan your work and give it some time.



Blogging basics

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