How to make a YouTube channel and earn money?

How to make a YouTube channel and earn money?

Nowadays, many people are searching for making their own channels. How to make a YouTube channel and earn money is a very common question. There are very basic steps you will follow to open your channel. If you are asking about the equipment you need for your startup, it will be just internet and a basic camera with any video editing program. Also, you need to know the nature of the content you will upload and prep yourself for it. How to make a YouTube channel and earn money starts with having the passion to do that.

watch:  How to Make a Blog on Google and Earn Money

How to make a YouTube channel and earn money online?

How to make a YouTube channel and earn money
YouTube is a huge platform and the most commonly visited website after Google. If we ask, what is YouTube?

 YouTube is a Google-owned video sharing network. Mainly one third of people over the world visit YouTube on a daily basis.

 The range of ages on YouTube is variable and includes all age groups. Starting from 16 to 50 years old.
To start your channel, you need to build up your account first. Although the industry of video making is harder than blog posting,

people still enjoy being on YouTube very much.
Many people started their full-time careers from YouTube and invested in their channels to the point they became millionaires.

Steps of making a YouTube channel 

How to make a YouTube channel and earn money
The first step to learning how to make a YouTube channel and earn money is to sign up for Google account.

 Then you can start the settings for your channel. You need to choose if you will create your own channel or if it will be for a business.
Next step you will choose the name of your channel. You need to be careful choosing the name as it will be the first thing to attract your audience.
The Google account will take the same name as the name of your channel. You can also manage them both using your main account on Google.
After that you will need to customize your channel and make it more personal.

How to customize your YouTube channel? 

On your way, to know how to make a YouTube channel and earn money, you need to personalize your channel.

You can easily do that by uploading a profile picture of you or an iconic symbol for the channel.
After doing that you can add a description to your channel. The description should be short and to the point..

Ways to enhance your channel and improve it 

After knowing how to make a YouTube channel and earn money, you need to think about enhancing your channel.

 You can start by optimizing your description. In order to do that you need to keep eyes on the first 100-150 characters

as they will be the first to your audience and viewers.
Add links to your channel, like your social media links and apps names. It will help you branding your channel and

 personalizing it even more.
Conclusion: How to make a YouTube channel and earn money is a common area of interest these days.

The steps to make a YouTube channel and earn money are easy. You need to start signing up for a google account,

 after that you need to create your channel.

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