Learn how to make money using google ads easily

Learn how to make money using google ads easily

Not everyone knows how to make money using google ads, although it is one of the most popular methods to earn money these days, to make money using ads is not a complicated issue, all you need is an account on AdSense, a suitable website, in addition to that suitable ads unit, If you have your established website, all you need is to learn how to make money using google ads don’t and start to generate extra income.

Watch also:  Make money with Google ads in the easiest way

Do you know how to make money using google ads?

how to make money using google ads

Before you know how to make money using google ads, you need to make sure that you follow the criteria of AdSense:

You are over 18 years old.

You should have an active Gmail account not linked to any previous AdSense account.

You should have a website that meets Google’s terms of service.

Below are some of Google terms and conditions related to a website that applies to the Google ads service:

Your website includes at least 30 pages of content.

The age of your website is at least three months.

Decent traffic level on your website.

What are the types of advertisements on Google?

how to make money using google ads

In talking about how google AdSense earns money from website monetization, it should know advertisements.

Display Ads

It is very responsive and fits in various screen sizes.

In-Feed Ads

They fit within a sidebar, feed, or list.

In-Article Ads

You can fit ads into the article content without disrupting the reader’s experience.

Matched Content Ads

Google ads to recommend users content of your site, it helps to increase the page views and potential for ad clicks.

Link Ads

Ads in a text-link format display topics relevant to the content of your page.

What are the types of sites that are allowed to apply to Google ads?

Before you know how to make money using google ads, you need to be aware that all site types are allowed to apply to Google ads including the following types:

A blog site

A forum site

A free online tool site

After you know the required conditions, site types, and ad types, now when can you start to earn the money?

When do you start earning money from Google AdSense?

After you create an account, you start receiving approval 24-48 hours, but sometimes it takes up to two weeks.

The process takes some time so that Ads can maintain their network integrity and only advertise quality sites.

After you know how to make money using google ads, we recommend returning ng Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Where it is recommended to use the Network Advertising Initiative as a resource to learn more about drafting your privacy policy.

In addition, it advises using Google Search Console to optimize your website


After you read this article, you will know how to make money using google ads, and you can start to earn money by simply ads on Google, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.


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Google Adsense

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